Thursday, August 27, 2009

Excerpts from: "Embracing Eternity Living Each Day With A Heart Toward Heaven written by Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins and Frank Martin. My daughter, Molli, gave me this book for Christmas in 2006. Frank Martin is Molli's sister-in-law's, brother-in-law.

This is one thing I have a hard time with. I do know right from wrong and know I will start solid food very soon.

Today's Reading: Hebrews 5:12-14 & 6:1


HAS GOD had you on a diet of milk for too long? Have you been slow to cut your teeth in Christian service or to grow out of childish needs and desires? Have you been a follower of Christ for long enough to know better, yet still find yourself being treated like a baby Christian?

"Solid food is for those who are mature," says the writer of Hebrews, "whohave trained themselves to recognize the difference between right and wrong and then do what is right?(5:14). When we find ourselves on a diet of mile, it is because God knows we are not yet ready for solid food. His desire is to wean us off of baby food and to set real meat and potatoes on our table, but he won't do so until we choose to grow mature and ready.

A solid diet is made up of things that strengthen our faith and lead others to Jesus. Jobs that take spiritual muscle and knowledge to perform. Responsibilities that are not for the faint of heart or the aqueamish. God gives big assignments to those who prove that they can handle the pressure. And with these assignments come great rewards.

But also they bring great temptation. When God sends disciples to work, the enemy is close by, waiting to trip them up. The great the task, the harder he works to bring them down. The steeper the road, the more stones thrown along the path to make us stumble. That's why God is careful how he doles out his spiritual steaks and potatoes.

So how doyou convince God that you are ready for solid food? You begin by learning to "recognize the difference between right and wrong." You hone your skills of decernment. You hide God's Word in your heart until you know instinctively what to do when temptation comes your way. You learn the enemy's strategy--how he plays on the weakness of his prey, how he lies and cheats and steals, how he hides around the corner to catch us unaware. You learn the difference between God's will and satan's schemes.

And once you know the difference, you "do what is right." You make a choice not to sin. You stare the enemy down and turn a deaf ear to his lies. You choose God's will over your own. You remain obedient even to the point of pain and embarrassment. When you develop the strength to chew and digest solid food, God will serve it to you.

What hinders God from trusting you with solid spiritual food? Pray today that he would prepare you for greater service and responsibility.

Friday, April 10, 2009

No Fear of Dying

Excerpts from: "Embracing Eternity Living Each Day With A Heart Toward Heaven written by Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins and Frank Martin. My daughter, Molli, gave me this book for Christmas in 2006. Frank Martin is Molli's sister-in-law's, brother-in-law.

Devotion for April 10, 2009

Scriptures: Ps. 116:15; 1 Cor 15:21-23.


Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps. 116:15, NIV

HOW WOULD IT change your view of death if you saw if as God's gain? What if you understood your mortality as a treasure in the eyes of the Lord? you death as something he is looking forward to?

There is no greater fear in the hearts of men than the fear of the unknown. And there is nothing we know less about than death. We fear deather because we don't understand it. Yet God says that the thing we dread the most is something he treasures deeply.

If you heard today that you only had three weeks to live, how would you feel? Would it make your heart sing? Would you rejoice? Would you call up your friends and family to share your good news with them? Probably not. Even those of us who eagerly long for heaven tend to cringe at the thought of dying. We know we have a glorious home waiting for us, yet we still hang on to earth. The comfort of the known outweighs our anticipation of the unknown. So we fight against death and hold on to life with all out might.

But let's look at it from God's perspective. How does he react when he hears that we're on our way home? Make up the bed, get the room ready, set up the banquet table---my child is coming home!!! (Oh my, that sounds so AWESOME)(my words). "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints," says the psalmist (Ps 116:15, NIV). And why does God rejoice at an event that holds such fear for his people? Because he knows that death is just the beginning.

"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" asks the apostle Paul (1 Cor 15:55). For those who put their faith in Christ, death no longer exists. There is no end to life, only a passing from one life to the next. We have nothing to fear and no reason to dread. So the next time you find yourself worried about dying, ask yourself this question: What matters most--the way I see things or the way God sees things? And remember the words of Paul: "In Christ all will be made alive" )15:22, NIV).

Reflection: Do you struggle with a fear of dying? What would God say to you in light of today's reading? How should salvation change our view of death?

April 10, 2009 (Good Friday)

We have an important weekend coming up. I thought if some of you might not know why Christians celebrate Easter then I would provide some information.

Today is Good Friday. Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this day Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. The biblical account of Jesus' death on the cross, or crucifixion, his burial and his resurrection, or raising from the dead, can be found in the following passages of Scripture: Matthew 27:27-28:8; Mark 15:16-16:19; Luke 23:26-24:35; and John 19:16-20:30.

In Western Christianity, Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the Paschal Full Moon. I had previously, and somewhat erroneously stated, "Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the first full moon after the vernal (spring) equinox." This statement was true prior to 325 AD; however, over the course of history (beginning in 325 AD with the Council of Nicea), the Western Church decided to established a more standardized system for determining the date of Easter.

There are, in fact, as many misunderstandings about the calculation of Easter dates, as there are reasons for confusion. To clear up at least some of the confusion visit: • Why Do the Dates for Easter Change Every Year?

Have a wonderful weekend and my our Lord Jesus Christ gives you many blessings each day.

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 2, 1999

March 2, 1999 my mom, Rachel Weatherly, went to be with the Lord. I can't believe it has been 10 years. My mom was a beautiful and wonderful Christian mom. We grew up going to church. We were there everytime the door was open. I remember going to Sunbeams, GA's, VBS and when we were in our teens we would go to Youth Rally's. That was so much fun. When we were old enough, we sang in the choir. Carole, Anna and myself would sing duets at church. Mom had a beautiful soprano voice and she was always singing solo's and duets. There were 4 girls and NO BOYS in our family. I am the oldest, then Carole, Anna and Vicki. Anna passed away 21 years ago. I remember mom would sew all 4 of us new Easter dresses every year. There are so many memories of growing up with my mom.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What A Difference a Week Makes

Today, Thursday February 26, 2009, it is 85 degrees here in Rockwall, TX. All windows and doors are open today. (NOT READY TO TURN A/C ON JUST YET!!!) And the ceiling fans are turning. Feels better in here now.

Adrian, a friend of son, Robert, mowed my front and back yard and Robert did the edging. I have always mowed the lady's yard next door since her husband passed away on Mother's Day 2006, so Adrian also mowed hers. They also straightened up my back patio. PRAISE THE LORD!!

This Saturday, the 27th, our single adults from our church are going down to Elm Mott, TX, just north of Waco. We are going to visit the Homestead Heritage ( I went with another group a couple years ago and it is an interesting place. Check it out when you have the time. Also, here is the new link to the B&B that my daughter's mother in law owns and Molli is the office manager.

Well, that is about all I have right now. Will stay with my lady, Jo Ann, tonight and this weekend. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It is cold in Rockwall tonight.

Hello friends. How is everyone this weekend. It is chilly here in Rockwall tonight. The low will be in the mid 30's and Sunday the high is going to be somewhere near 60 degrees. This Sunday we have a lunch and choir practice for our Easter Musical on April 5th. We did this one about 7 years ago. The name is "On A Hill Too Far Away." It is a beautiful arraignment of songs.

Well, things have been pretty quite around here this week. Not much going on. Just going over and staying with my lady Jo Ann during the week. I normally have Saturday and Sunday nights off unless the other 2 caregiver's have something they want to do, the I will work those nights. I will see if I can get a picture of Jo Ann in my blog somewhere.

So tonight I am updating my blog and Facebook. Washing and drying more clothes. Not really my favorite chore, that and cleaning the kitchen. My son, Robert, has a friend who has been staying with us for about a month. He is between jobs and is helping around here. I came home the other morning and went in the laundry room and I could not believe my eyes. He had picked up all the things out of the floor and straightened up and it looked really nice. Thank you Adrian. He also will load the dishwasher and whatever needs to be done. How awesome is that. I told him I hope he rubs off on Robert. :-). Well, guess I will go and hope to write something later.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February is half over.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. All 3 of my kids received a few things from me and I in turn received from them. I received a package from my daughter, Molli, in N. California. My boys, well boys will be boys. I love them both. I would do anything for my children, because I love them so much. Even when they make me sad, which isn't very often, Praise The Lord.

Well, it is misting rain and chilly here in Rockwall today. I said with my lady, Jo Ann, last night, helping her with her dinner, etc. Up this morning between 7 - 8 AM. Had her breakfast ready by the time she finished her morning ritual. Out of there by 9:45 AM and headed to the church for
the Tuesday 55+ choir practice. Then came home and did a few things here and had to leave around 12:25 for my appointment with my CPA. Now I am back at home washing a load of clothes. I will head over to Jo Ann's before 6 PM this evening. Not much going on so far this week. I do have a Prayer Request that I received from a friend in my Sunday school class and I thought I would put it on my facebook page. Our nation used to be One Nation Under God, but it hasn't been for a very long time, so we need to pray each day that everyone will come back to God.